Report Writing for Code Inspectors- October 22, 2015
Law Enforcement Training Center, Virginia Beach, VA
6 VA DFP 1031/1033 recent hours
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Limited to 30 students!
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Scheduling for the 4th quarter of 2015. Interested in sponsoring a class? Need CEUs? Contact me via the CONTACT tab.
ICC Preferred Provider Program*
What is the benefit of the program to those seeking training?
There are many benefits to those seeking training, including:
• A comprehensive listing of relevant educational programs and expanded access to educational offerings is available. These include available training, both on-site and online, and are identified through a live training schedule on the ICC Preferred Provider website at
• Users have access to information about products and services of Preferred Providers.
• Increased opportunity to create a relationship and network with ICC Chapters, industry, and other Preferred Providers.
• Utilization of Preferred Provider educational programs to gain CEUs as required for renewal of ICC Certifications.
• Access to a vast training network on-site or online that might be available for free or a very nominal fee and count toward certification renewal.
• Confidence in courses that qualify for CEUs without having to do an extensive search of the education provider qualifications.
* From

Report Writing for Code Inspectors & Fire Investigators
This one-day (6 contact hours .6 ICC CEUs) seminar is based on the text Report Writing for Code Inspectors. Using a hands-on approach, students work through exercises, drafting and rewriting notices, orders and reports using videos and the text.
The seminar can be tailored for inspectors, plan review staff, and managers from all disciplines as well as fire investigators and firefighters. The investigator module focuses on terminology from NFPA 921 Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigations.
Classes can be delivered at your location and geared toward your staff's needs.
Each student will receive a copy of Report Writing for Code Inspectors, a $24.95 value.

Hazardous Materials Basics for Fire Inspectors
This one-day (6 hours .6 CEUs) seminar covers materials regulated by the IBC and IFC focusing on materials classes, the 13 exceptions to the Group H classification, control areas, separation distance, and construction types.
Means of Egress in Existing Buildings for Fire Inspectors
This one-day (6 hour .6 CEU) class focuses on fixing means of egress problems in existing building and structures using the International Fire Code, International Building Code and legacy model building codes. Topics include significant incidents involving egress deficiencies, means of egress basics, travel distance, common path of travel, compromises to the means of egress, dealing with the loss of exits, occupant loads and overcrowding.